Three hours ago a small explosion was detected in European Union space. Intelligence reports, intercepted from low-level communications, suggest that a small mining station had fired on and destroyed one of many of the lunar fragments in Union space. Seven political prisoners, who had been sentenced to the station, were all killed.

The station, Lenore, is run by Natasha Treif and her only son, who was killed in the last war but brought back to life through an early cybernetic experiment. She seems to be regarded as a threat to internal security by the Union.

If our sensors are correct, she has installed six additional disrupters, to total eight. Spatial distortions have also been detected around the station, so it is possible that she has recently installed a high-speed engine.

It is also believed that she may have added to the station’s weapons capabilities a banned device, obtained illegally, possibly stolen from her own government.

You are to board the station to confirm that report. If it is true, commandeer it back to American space, where the device will be handed over for analysis. You are authorized to kill both the woman and the cyborg if necessary, but it would be preferred that Natasha be taken alive. Perhaps she would like to defect; her knowledge of Union technology would be invaluable.