Stumbling, I rise to meet the setting sun. It is very close to the time of mass. Cold air bites my nose and my eyes blink in the light of the stars.
Overhead a red moon shines down over a small section of a large city. The streets, now empty of people, seem to have a nightlife of their own. My feet, scarred and sore, scrape on the stone of the streets. The rats become alert with the smell of warm blood, scurrying behind me as I walk.
Ahead of me is a building; The tavern inside is quiet save for the sound of the bartender’s broom. I turn beside the building and I see there is a small alleyway crowded with garbage cans and cardboard boxes.
The occupants of the boxes ignore me as I go by. They have endured their share and have little pity for me. A child, lying in a mess of cloth looks up at me, his eyes meeting mine. But in fear he turns back to the brick that is his pillow.
I continue walking down this hall of the forgotten until I come upon a girl. Her body is shaking violently as her large stomach heaves. The pains of labor are upon her. In between clenched gasps she looks at me with tears in her eyes. Anybody, even I, could help ease her misery.
So I kneel beside her and hold her hand. She holds mine tight. As she enters the next phase of labor, I decide to help.
Taking off my rag of a coat, I place it underneath her. It should help to make her more comfortable. I have never had to help in a situation like this before, but I did my best.
No words were exchanged between either of us. She prompted my movements with her eyes and what little came of her voice.
And after what seemed like an eternity, the cries of a small baby echoed through the silent city. The sobs from the child were joined by mine and the mother’s. A beautiful sight it would have been to behold.
But no one cared, save for the people of the streets. Dozens gathered from this alley and others, to pay homage to the newborn. In remembrance of a birth long past, each brought gifts. As poor as they were, they gave what they could.
And I, taken to be the babe’s father, stood over the mother and child. With the glorious stars shining down, I felt as warm as any man in any mansion in all the world.