On the sixth day, We created the creatures of the Earth. Our final and crowning achievement was Man. He was placed amidst the creatures of the Garden, and all were ordered to bow before him. One creature would not and one angel would not. The Seraph formerly called Samael, now called Lucifer, was dealt with swiftly. He had been a favorite of The One and he was punished without hesitation, a warning to others against disobedience.

On the seventh day, We created the Spheres of Heaven. To complete the First Sphere, the Cherubim were created and added to the Seraphim. Then, the Dominions and Powers were created and added to the Virtues to complete the Second Sphere, the administrators. Finally, the Third Sphere was created, composed of Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. This last sphere would oversee the daily affairs of the human race, their dreams, their prayers, as well as their ambitions.

We created the Cherubim as soldiers, partly to deal with the problem of Lucifer and the other Seraphim that supported him. He alone had been cast out but the others who doubted Our decision were becoming more vocal. The time would soon come for action. The Cherubim were created with a stronger sense of contrast. They still had free will but there were no subtleties, only right and wrong. Those of the Second Sphere were created with a strong sense of order, while those of the Third Sphere was given sympathy and empathy.

Enough time had now passed that the creatures had begun to breed. Some animals bred faster than others. Man had only one child while the dragons had already bred several generations. The dragon had been created with more power and beauty than any other. Their range of colors was stunning. Samael had outdone himself with their design.

The One did not want the dragons to be dealt with in the same harsh manner as the disloyal Seraph who had created them. Gabriel the Messenger had been sent to plead with them. The dragons were unrepentant. They had been offered mercy but still they refused to obey. Perhaps it was Our mistake. We had allowed them to be created too mindful, too proud.

We gave the Cherubim their first assignment with hesitation. We are not indecisive; there could be no alternative to punishment. Neither was this a test of their fidelity. They would willingly, happily slaughter anything that defied the The One Who Is And Was And Is To Come. But The Plan had changed. The schedule of events had been irrevocably altered, and so early. The Cherubim would now have their first taste of blood; they would be the first killers. This was worrisome, but inevitable.

The Cherubim themselves, although strong and simple, were not stupid. Certainly some among them would recognize that the slaughter of the dragons was merely the beginning of something greater. Perhaps some would anticipate the civil war within the ranks of Heaven. This, too, was worrisome, but inevitable.