These fnords cannot be displayed

The fnord you are looking for is currently unavailable. Your pineal gland might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may not be authorized to view whatever it is you're trying to see.

Please try the following:

  • Click the refresh.gif Reload button, or try again later, or not.
  • If your refrigerator isn't running, you probably don't need to catch it.
  • To check your pineal gland, click the Examine Head menu, and then click Pineal Gland Options. On the Consciousness tab, click View Fnords.
  • Some browsers require organized religion. Some do not. There are no rules anywhere. The goddess prevails.
  • Did you try blessing yourself? Say the following while uncrossing yourself: "Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!"

Cannot find fnords

Conventional Chaos